Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ladies! I cannot stress enough how IMPORTANT it is to moisturize! It keeps your skin from drying out and cracking which can cause you getting little mini cuts on your skin that you can see and sometimes you cannot see. But it's still a cut and you can get an infection from or just irritated skin.
Now winter time is almost over, thank god but that doesn't mean you should stop moisturizing up! But I do stress if you live in a cold environment your skin can dry up and crack especially when you have a stuffy nose and constantly use tissue to blow your nose and then your nose get sensitive after awhile. But before I get off topic, your skin can get very dried out in winter seasons as well as summer season. And it is important to keep your skin hydrated!
Now what I use is Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer, which you can get in practically any drug store and it is very accessible. Now the price varies from place to place (I think) but this is a very good moisturizer especially for those who have sensitive skin and those fancy expensive products make their skin irritated or break out. Now reviewing this product, it actually makes my skin feel refreshed and smooth. It doesn't have a scent which is good for me at least because I really don't like strong smells on my face and they even come in different types like I use the clear complexion for even looking skin and to prevent breakouts, but they also have Positively Radiant with an spf of 30 and an ultra calming moisturizing one that help reduce redness and that has spf 15.
Now you can use any type of face lotion you have so don't take it as if I'm telling you that you should get aveeno but if your looking for a moisturizer then this could give you an idea. It never hurts to go check it out!

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